Oh, hello...

Hi there.  Yes, the ubiquitous, awkward first post.  Quite what does one write?  Do you need to justify the starting of a blog, or is it OK to be self indulgent and have somewhere to throw all that stuff that swirls around in the depths of your mind?  Whatever, here it is. 

It's said that everyone has a book in them.  I'm not sure about that, I'm not certain I have a book in me.  However much I consume the writings of others, and however much I babble on about a whole load of both something and nothing, there's not a whole book.  Hence a blog making a better platform, and hence the title.  Indefinite - often I'm not really sure what I'm on about, where the words will take me, or indeed quite what's going on... And definitely, I ramble.  I like words, and having a rather overactive imagination that likes to scrub around in all the strange recesses where brains don't usually bother looking for things - well, there's no knowing where we might end up.

You see?  Here, I may as well have just written a simple one-liner to test the font for the posts.  Welcome.  Settle in, enjoy.  Bring tea, always bring tea.


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